Publication: Ebrei Peimontesi: The Jews of PiedmontI was happy to receive this week copies of the exhibition catalog
Ebrei Peimontesi: The Jews of Piedmont just published by
Yeshiva University Museum. Why was I pleased? One reason is because the book has my essay "The Synagogues of Piedmont," that I wrote at the time of exhibition 12 years ago.
The museum is to be congratulated on their perseverance to get this book published. It was occasioned by the exhibition of the same name held in 1996, but really the book it can stand alone. It is well designed and produced and benefits from the exquisite photos of synagogues by Alberto Falco.
The contents of the volume are as follows:
The Jews of Piedmont from the Later Middle Ages to 1796
by Geoffrey Symcox
Piedmont Judaism after Emancipation
by Gadi Luzzatto Voghera
The Jews of Piedmont and the Holocaust
by Susan Zuccotti
Rabbinic Culture in 15th-Century Piedmont
by Jeffrey R. Woolf
Nusah APaM: A Medieval Litugical Survivor
by Yom Tov Assis
Hebrew Manuscript Decoration in Piedmont from the Late 16th to the Early 19th Centuries
by Shalom Sabar
The Synagogues of Piedmont
by Samuel D. Gruber
The Cuisine of the Piedmontese Jewry
by Edda Servi Machlin
"The Rabbi's Family," chapter two of Memorie di vita ebraica: Casale Monferrato, Roma, Gerusalemme, 1918-1960
by Augusto Segre
Ebrei Peimontesi: The Jews of Piedmont (New York: Yeshiva University Museum, 2008).
[ISBN 0-945447-19-1] Softcover, list price $20.00.