Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Rosenbloom Mausoleum. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Monument commemorating members of the Rosenbloom family. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012 |
Syracuse Jewish Sites V: The Rosenbloom Family and Their Cemetery
by Samuel D. Gruber
[Cross-posted from My Central New York]
[n.b. Some information in this post may be expanded or corrected when I have access to the Temple Concord and other archives after separation restrictions ease. As always, I appreciate hearing from readers with comments and/or corrections].
A few weeks ago I wrote about the early history Temple Society of Concord, and the role played by Solomon Rosenbloom in the schism of the 1860s that led him and others to form a new more traditional congregation in 1864. That congregation, Adath Jeshurun (not to be confused with today's Adath Yeshuran) created its own independent cemetery on land purchased by Solomon Rosenbloom in 1864 at 800 East Colvin Avenue. Though originally known as the Adath Yeshurun cemetery, it is now called the Rosenbloom Cemetery. Temple Concord already had a burial ground at Rose Hill Cemetery, established in the 1840s, so the creation of a new burial ground really emphasized the seriousness and finality of the congregational break.
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
In the 1880s Rosenbloom purchased a parcel of land on Orange Street and had a purpose-built synagogue erected for the congregation that was dedicated in 1887. This came to be known as the Rosenbloom Shul which was active until 1925, when most of the remaining congregants re-merged with Temple Concord. As I wrote previously, the building may have been left standing into the 1930s, when demolitions began in the neighborhood for Pioneer Homes, and then subsequently, for the massive "urban renewal" projects of the post-World War II period. I am presently looking for photos from this period.
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Solomon Rosenbloom. Portrait, Collection of Temple Concord. Photo: Samuel Gruber. |
Who was Solomon Rosenbloom? That is not a question anyone would need to ask in late 19th-century Syracuse, where Rosenbloom's Department Store was one of the major commercial engines of the Downtown. His many offspring were active in Syracuse commercial, political, social, philanthropic, and religious life. The name Rosenbloom was very well known.
Solomon Rosenbloom, the family patriarch, was born November 20, 1822, in Ober-Altheim, Bavaria. He came to America in 1846 and after a year in New York City he moved to the newly incorporated town of Syracuse. It is possible Solomon emigrated like many young Jewish men because of the restrictions on Jewish population expansion, most effectively enforced by limiting the number of Jewish marriages. According to historian Steven M. Lowenstein, Bavaria had the strictest laws:
"The Bavarian law of 1813 declared as a general principle that the number of Jews should not increase but rather be diminished. It set a fixed number of Jewish families in each locality and as a general rule ordered that no Jew might marry and establish a family unless there was a vacancy on the list of families (Matrikel) caused by emigration or death of a family head. These Matrikel laws remained in effect until 1861. Although the law admitted to exceptions for certain occupational categories, they were rarely granted. ["Ashkenazic Jewry and the European Marriage Pattern: A Preliminary Survey of Jewish Marriage Age ," Jewish History, Vol. 8, No. 1/2, (1994), p. 158]Significantly, Solomon married Hannah Hermann (1827-1884), who he had known in Bavaria where she was born in Geroldshausen (Bavaria), in 1848, soon after settling in Syracuse. Like most of his German-speaking Jewish peers who spread out across America in the 1840s, Solomon began work as a peddler. This was not always easy work, and there were cases in the Syracuse area of Jewish peddlers being assaulted and even murdered.
Solomon and Hannah produced a large family but that was not unusual for either Jews or Christians at the time. Marcus Rosenbloom (1849-1919); Daniel Rosenbloom (1851-1905); Simon Rosenbloom (1853-1923); Hannah van Baalen (1855-1912); Moses Rosenbloom (1860-1917); Isaac Rosenbloom (1864-1954), Henry Rosenbloom (1865-1933), and Abraham Rosenbloom (1867-1947).
From his humble beginning Solomon (and his six sons) were eventually able to build, by the end of the 19th century, a prominent commercial presence in the region. This included one of the largest department stores in Syracuse with branch stores in Utica; Auburn; Providence, RI; and Akron, OH and large holdings in real estate. The main store of S. Rosenbloom & Sons was at 216 South Salina Street, built ca. 1893.
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Syracuse, NY. Rosenblooms Department Store, 216 South Salina Street. Undated postcard, mailed 1905. |
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Advertising trading card for Rosenbloom Bros. Store, late 19th century. |
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Advertising trading card for Rosenbloom Bros. Store, late 19th century. |
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Cover to the S. Rosenbloom & Sons Catalogue, 1909. Photo shared by Walter Miller. |
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S. Rosenbloom & Sons buildings illustrated in 1909 catalogue. Photo shared by Walter Miller. |
Solomon was a shoemaker - perhaps this was a skill he brought from Germany. When he had enough capital from peddling he opened a shoe store in the old Bastable block on East Genesee Street. In 1869 his older sons entered the business and it was renamed S. Rosenbloom & Sons. This period coincides with the split from Temple Concord, and with his sons in the business, Solomon was able to give more time to affairs of his new religious congregation, Adath Jeshurun, founded in 1864.
The business, which was advertised by scores of illustrated collectible advertising cards, expanded from shoes and boots to include furniture, dry goods, and others items sold in a department store, and it became a leading retail venue in Syracuse with branches in many towns and cities.
Marcus, who retired from the family business in 1897, devoted himself to real estate development, and built several commercial structures on South Salina Street. He also became active in the Adath Jeshurun Synagogue and various local charitable organizations. The remaining brothers sold the business in 1915 but they stayed involved in community and Jewish affairs. Marcus died in 1919.
Of the seven sons, five remained bachelors. Marcus, the eldest, married Rosa (née Kohn) (1855-1940). Isaac, who lived longest, married Clara, and the couple survived into the 1950s. Clara, the last of her generation buried in the Rosenbloom Cemetery in 1959.
The cemetery is laid out with rows of graves going up hill, from the north end at East Colvin to the south end at the top of a hill. The graves are laid east-west, with a more open central area where at the top of the hill is erected a classical temple-style mausoleum which looks down across the space to a tall obelisk monument close to the entrance. This central space has been filled with more graves over time.
At the cemetery, Solomon (1822-1896) and Daniel (1851-1905) have their own early graves, and Isaac and Clara have a late grave, but the rest of the brothers do not have individual gravestones, suggesting that the mausoleum was built some time after 1905, when Daniel died, but probably close to 1917 when Moses died. Moses and the remaining brothers (except Isaac) appear to be buried at the mausoleum. 1917 would be an appropriate date for the classical style of the mausoleum. Most probably such a monument would have distressed their father, the very pious Solomon, but it must have been acceptable to the sons.
About the same time, a similar mausoleum was built by their contemporary Gates Thalheimer at the new Temple Society of Concord Cemetery that had opened at Woodlawn cemetery in 1913. Gates's wife Jennie Stern Thalheimer had died in 1918. Similarly, a large obelisk monument was erected for the prominent Leiter family at the new Temple Concord cemetery, and this may have influenced the Rosenbloom obelisk - or vice versa.
The names and dates of Rosenbloom family members are inscribed on the base of the obelisk, which seems to only be a memorial. The graves of Solomon nad Daniel, with more detailed gravestones, are to the west against the fence which delimits the cemetery parcel, and the other graves msut be in or around the masuoleum. On the east side of the cemetery, or left hand as one ascends the hill, are other graves and these belong to Jews who belonged to the Adath Jeshurun congregation. Many founders of Temple Concord are buried here along with the Rosenblooms. These gravestones do not seem to match or follow any particular pattern. All the stones have been photographed by others and can be seen on the Find a Grave website here.
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Monument commemorating members of the Rosenbloom family. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. view looking north from the mausoleum to the Obelisk.. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. New stones on the eastern side of the cemetery. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
Daniel, who died in 1905, was the most active in civic affairs of the brothers. He, too, was involved in real estate development, and owned the Rosenbloom Tract on the Eastside, where the 400 block of Columbus Avenue and the Gustav Stickley House are today. A few years ago I wrote about a house on that tract that was owned by Daniel, but it is not known if he actually lived there. The English language passage on his gravestone reads: "Devout and Faithful son of Israel; a Righteous God fearing man, mourned by his family. Loved by his race and revered by all who knew him for his charity, his integrity, his love for truth and right."
At the time of his death, Daniel was living at 704 East Jefferson Street (at State Street) with his brothers Abraham, Henry, Moses and Simon. Isaac lived at 806 East Genesee Street (Btw Forman & Almond). Marcus had an office (?) at 320 S. Salina Street and lived at 700 East Jefferson, next to his brothers. Benjamin Stolz (1857-1937), the prominent lawyer, live up the street at 718. Stolz, who served as president of Temple Concord after the death of Gates Thalheimer in 1928, died in 1937, and is buried in the Rosenbloom Cemetery.
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Daniel Rosenbloom. Portrait in 1902 Political Blue Book |
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Gravestone of Daniel Rosenbloom (d. 1905). Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
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Benjamin Stolz as a young lawyer, obviously serving the German-speaking community. |
You can view many Rosenbloom trading cards at:
Syracuse, NY. Rosenbloom Cemetery, East Colvin Street. Photo: Samuel Gruber 2012. |
1 comment:
Thank you for all your efforts on posting this fascinating site on the Temple Adath Jushurun cemetery where my grandparents, Max and Rebecca Altmann, are both buried. My great aunt Carrie Altmann, their daughter, is also buried there, although she died at Willard State Hospital, three days after her arrival there from a heart attack. I learned a lot from your information, and deeply appreciate it. Wishing you all the best, Susan Pinsky, daughter of Carol Altmann, granddaughter of Max and Rebecca Altmann.
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